The world's oceans are home to millions of species. Mammals, fish, invertabrates, and many other animals live near beaches, coral reefs, deep sea, and out in the open ocean. Pollution poses a major threat to these animals. The ocean is subject to pollution from beach-goers, fisherman, cruise ships, oil rigs, and runoff from rivers and streams.
I planned to focus this blog on oil spills, because I thought them to be one of the largest causes of pollution in the ocean. With a little reading, however, I found out that big oil spills only make up for about 5% of the ocean's oil pollution. In fact, the largest oil pollutant comes from oil that is put down the drain by people. Used car oil from getting your oil changed, for example, if not disposed of properly, could make its way to the ocean. The EPA and NOAA both are working towards eliminating ocean pollution.
Toxic waste products, pesticides, and garbage that is polluting the land, often seeps into or finds it flushed into local streams and rivers that in turn, fill into the ocean. By not taking care of the land and small bodies of water, we are indirectly affecting the ocean.
Still more laws must be made (and enforced!) about pollution, safety regulations for industrial plants and ships, and waste disposal for everyone. The world depends on its oceans already, and in the future, we will only become more dependent on them as we travel, explore, and find more ways to use its resources in our lives. It is very important that we keep it clean.
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I really liked this blog, it catches your attention from the beginning, and you have a lot of usefull information, like the fact that most of the oil in our water does not come from oil spills, rather from improper disposal of oil. I guess news coverage of some guy changing his oil and dumping it on the sidewalk would not be as big as the Exon Baldise sinking.
I will be honest, I have been avoiding this blog. I guess I judged a book by its cover. The topic scared me, but after reading your updated blog, I wanted to read more. You have a lot of good and useful information that many people do not consider when it comes to the environment. The blog is nice and easy to understand. The links are pretty good and as technology grows so will environmental improvement! Hopefully...
This blog does catch your attention and is very interesting, and I am in agreement with heath as far as avoiding this blog, and I was also judging by the cover.
A couple of thoughts I have...
How does it effect the ocean, I mean... I know it polutes it, but how much because the ocean is so huge and takes up most of the worlds surface?
Also I know oil makes it way up from the ground through cracks caused by the enormous pressure on it from the crust (this is why oil explodes out when striked). So could it be that the oil that comes to the surface undernieth the ocean pollutes it even 100% more than us? pure petrolium exploding into the ocean at the bottom? w
I have ot relate to both Heath and Cody. I consider myself an environmentalist, but I used to be one in a passive way...give cash but ignore the bad news because it was truly frightening. When I went to see An Inconvenient Truth last summer, I was actually shaking as I entered the theater.
What a difference a year makes, though. I appreciate your blog because you can make people aware and comfortable about issues that are dangerious and ominous. That's the hallmark of a good writer. Keep it up!
And I have a response about pollution and the size of the oceans that I remember from some science article: the problem is that many species live at/near the coasts, in shallow water, and that water is the most polluted. Earth's ecosystems are really tied together, such that when we pollute the oceans, we pollute the very closest, most important breeding grounds for both fish and mammals, affect the algae that gives the world necessary oxygen, etc.
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