Great move, Scholastic, but aren’t you six books late?
Hall, Randy. "Harry Potter Recycled Paper Decision 'Works Magic For Forests'". 3/22/2007. Cybercast News Service. 4/12/2007. http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewPrint.asp?Page=/Culture/archive/200703/CUL20070322c.html
Conversation With A Publisher. 08/10/2003. GreanPeace. 04/12/2007. www.greenpeace.org/international/news/conversation-with-a-publisher
Harry Potter and the Half Good Prints. 07/13/2005. GreenPeace. 04/12/2007. http://www.greenpeace.org/international/news/harry-potter-111
The Currency Site FX - Converter. 04/12/2007. OANDA.COM. 04/12/2007. http://oanda.com
Food for thought
Walking down the aisles proved to me that this task was much easier said than done.
Few grocery stores offer a large variety of organic foods. Whole Foods and Ukrops are probably the best known ones. Many grocery stores use large signs to advertise organic foods, especially in the produce section. You can find tomatoes, lettuce, beans, and all sorts of hybrid fruits that have been organically grown. In the meat section, neon "free-range" stickers stand out on the packaging to gain buyers' attention. Dairy products like milk and eggs also offer an organic variety.
One thing, however, that they don't try to exploit is the price.
Sure, I feel bad for the chickens that spend all their time cooped up in a tiny cage, and I wouldn't want to see a cow living in a pen that it can barely turn around in. Of course I don't want to ingest pesticides on a daily basis. . . who knows what kind of health effects will come of that!? But with all this said and done, I don't have a clue how my meals grew up. And my pocket book doesn't really allow for me to make a big deal out of it. I've seen organic items at the grocery store up to a few dollars higher than "other" items. The bottom line is everyone can't afford to eat organically. Lately, I stick to "Bonus Buy" items at Shoppers and the Dollar Menu.
I love animals, but I can still manage to down a burger without thinking I'm a heartless jerk.
One thing is for sure, though. Once the prices become more competitive on organic items, I'll definitely jump on the bandwagon.
Power Line Controversy
I'm sure by now you’ve heard about the controversy that’s going on with Dominion Power. Last fall, the situation exploded into the public eye when Dominion had proposed a route to build high-voltage power lines through many pristine and protected areas in
In retaliation from the strong opposition, Dominion officials stated that
Last month, Dominion proposed a new line that would bypass many of the controversial areas in
If the transmission line must be built, Dominion should bury the line. Those affected by the line obviously are against it being constructed above-ground. Although the extra cost will undoubtedly be passed along to its customers, it would be well worth the price. The construction that will take place will be an annoyance during the length of the project, but the end result will be aesthetically pleasing and seems to be the best compromise for both sides.
Dominion Virginia Power. 04/10/07. Dominion®. 04/10/07.
PEC. 04/09/07. Piedmont Environmental Council. 04/10/07.
Power Line To Track Existing N.Va. Route. 02/12/07. The Washington Post. 04/10/07. <www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/